Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sarah Palin

Can someone please tell me where in the world did Sarah Palin come from? 
Before she was announced and revealed to the world, Palin was just another Governor from another state that I had no intention of ever visiting. Today she could very well be the next President.

How did this happen? Obama's speech shook up the McCain team so much that they went far left in going far right with their choice for Vice President.

The fact of the matter is Palin's nomination did the very thing that we as a country could not afford: It divided us. The Conservative Right galvanized behind her and the Far left went crazy castigating her. That was the last thing that we as Americans needed. 

Her speech took the country even further down that divided path. It was the worst. She was rude, crude and divisive. She treated the Democratic ticket of Obama and Biden not to mention the ideals of hope and change with disrespect and sarcasm. Her fill in the blank speech written by McCain surrogates was just what the G.O.P. needed to rally behind.